
Bluestacks safe to log in
Bluestacks safe to log in

bluestacks safe to log in

Secondly, BlueStacks will see some of your computer's data. This might include your phone number, gender, address, and picture. As such, BlueStacks will get access to your name, email address, and any other public information on your Google account. When you download BlueStacks, you share data in two ways.įirstly, when you download BlueStacks, you'll have to log into your Google account. What data does BlueStacks see?Įvery app you download gets some amount of access to your device's data.

bluestacks safe to log in

Tomaschek also stresses that even if BlueStacks is trustworthy, you should still adhere to "to basic digital privacy best practices." These include limiting the amount of personal information you share online, never clicking on shady links, and doing research before downloading any app to make sure that it's safe.

Bluestacks safe to log in